Welcome to Quickcode
Github: https://github.com/oobianom/quickcodeQuickcode is a powerful R package designed to streamline your R programming experience. With a variety of functions aimed at enhancing your scripting efficiency, Quickcode helps you focus on what really matters—developing scripts and R based documents or dashboards with minimal coding and seamlessly.
Features from Manual, or Manual2
- Simplification of frequently used codes.
- Enhances code readability and organization.
- Reduces the time spent on repetitive tasks.
- Provides tools for better debugging and error handling.
- Facilitates the creation and manipulation of R scripts
Getting Started
To begin using Quickcode, install the package from CRAN:
install.packages("quickcode") library(quickcode) ??quickcode::quickcode
Standardizing R scripts using quickcode
R scripts should have a clear header with intended pupose and expected outputs. It is also commonplace to ensure the console is efficiently clear, garbage collection carried out, devices closed, previous loaded packages unloaded prior to executing a new script. Use the following R script to begin your scripts.
Sample R script to get started############################################################################ ############################################################################ ## Document Path: ./sample_R_script.R ## ## Author: Obinna Obianom ## ## Date: 2024-01-22 ## ## Title: Sample Standard R script ## ## Description: To create plots ## ## Required Files: sample1.csv, functions.R, sample1.RData ## ## Exported Files: sample1.png ## ## R Version: 4.4.1 (2024-06-14 ucrt) ## ############################################################################# ############################################################################# # clear console, close devices, unload previously loaded packages. # set new working directory, source any dependent scripts and load any RData file # !!! automatically loads the quickcode library quickcode::clean( setwd = './', source = 'functions.R', load = 'sample1.RData', clearPkgs = TRUE ) # load all required packages and print their current versions libraryAll( dplyr, shiny, r2resize ) ############################################################################# ### SECTION: ############################################################################# # script body goes here # session information sessionInfo()
Complete list of functions in the quickcode R package
add.header . add.sect.comment . add.snippet.clear . addkey . ai.duplicate . archivedPkg . as.boolean . bionic_txt . categorical_to_numeric . clean . clearenvironment . code . comments . compHist . cybersecurity . data_pop . data_pop_filter . data_push . data_rep . data_shuffle . date-topic . date_tweaks . descasc . distribution_check . duplicate . empty . errorout . extract_comments . fAddDate . find_packages . genRandImg . geostats . github-tweaks . has.error . header.rmd . in.range . inc . index . index2 . init . insertInText . is.image . lastwd . libraryAll . list_push . list_shuffle . machine_learning . mathmisc . minus . mix.color . mix.cols.btw . multiply . mutate_filter . ndecimal . newSuperVar . nin . not.data . not.duplicated . not.environment . not.exists . not.image . not.inherits . not.integer . not.logical . not.na . not.null . not.numeric . not.vector . number . orsign . percentmatch1 . plus . rDecomPkg . randString . rcolorconst . read.csv.print . read.table.print . refresh . sample_by_column . setOnce . sort_length . strsplit.bool . strsplit.num . summarize.envobj . switch_cols . switch_rows . track_func . unique_len . vector_pop . vector_push . vector_shuffle . yesNoBool . zscore .For detailed function documentation, please refer to the sections below or check out the vignettes included with the package.
As this page is being populated, please refer to the project folder for more information at https://github.com/oobianom/quickcode