Alternative return for empty, null or na statements.Return alternative if the value of expression is empty or NA or NULL
Equivalent to Nullish coalescing operator ?? in javascript or PHP like $Var = $operand1 ?? $operand2;
test1 <- c(4,NA,5,2,0,21)
test2 <- data.frame(ID = 1:10,ED = LETTERS[10:1])
# One may also choose to use
test2[,1] %or% "A"
#> [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
test2[which(test2$ID == 323),2] %or% "CCCCC"
#> [1] "CCCCC"
number(1) %or% "Placeholder"
#> [1] 803234389
number(10) %or% "Placeholder"
#> [1] 85229418 934673902 558483207 793261647 651436069 73949913 57500133
#> [8] 514086690 996776318 332311329
NA %or% "Random"
#> [1] "Random"
NULL %or% "Random"
#> [1] "Random"
"" %or% "Random"
#> [1] "Random"
#> [1] 4
#> [1] 100
or(test2[which(test2$ID == 10),2],"BBBBB")
#> [1] "A"
or(test2[which(test2$ID == 323),2],"CCCCC")
#> [1] "CCCCC"